[Nate is sitting on his bed looking at his phone. Tracy stands above him, holding a folded towel under her arm.]
Tracy: I'm getting a shower. You better not have stunk it up in there.
Nate: Luckily for you, I managed to poop at the conference.
Tracy: TMI.

[Nate continues to look at his phone, his eyes narrow a bit. "SSSHHHH" SFX indicate Tracy is taking her shower in the other room.]

[Tracy blushes as she blow-dries her hair in the bathroom]

[Tracy comes out in a robe, still slightly blushing]

[Tracy sees Nate asleep and is stunned]

[Extreme closeup as Tracy leans in close to Nate]
Tracy (angrily): HEY!
Nate (waking abruptly): ..theFUCK

Face to Face | Page 15: Managed

The shower isn't the only thing around here that rapidly goes from cold to hot.

2 thoughts on “Face to Face | Page 15: Managed

  1. I’m sincerely happy this comic is back. I have a reason to look forward to Thursdays again!

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