[Exterior, Food Baron, before sunrise]
Nate: Ugh.
Nate: Was it really necessary for us to get up this goddamn early?
Tracy: Yep.

Tracy: We've got a long trip ahead of us, and the conference opens up at 10.

Tracy: What's wrong, had a late night?
Tracy: What were you doing? Because I know it wasn't a woman.
Nate: Jesus. A bit fucking relentless on that, aren't you?

Tracy: Well? I'm happy to be corrected!

[Nate looks annoyed]
Nate: If you MUST know...

[Nate looks away]
Nate: I... fell into a rabbit hole and spent all night looking into the history of "Mambo No. 5".

Face to Face | Page 5: Relentless

archaeologists 1200 years in the future, revealing the contents of a hidden compartment in an ancient tomb:

"My God. I never dared to hope. It's Mambos No. 1 through 4!"

8 thoughts on “Face to Face | Page 5: Relentless

  1. As a reader who rediscovered this due to still having your very old feed in my comics reader app, I wanted to point out that the feed link over on the right there does technically lead to an XML file, and they do technically point to this site, but it’s a 90MB monstrosity with thousands of duplicate entries, so is worse than useless. Once it’s fixed, though, I’ll be glad to be back onboard as a reader!

    1. Hey, I appreciate the heads up! I actually just noticed this error when I went to check Feedly.

      One of the challenges of the new site design is that my plugin/theme Toocheke doesn’t post comics to the regular feed by default. The designer of the theme has been a big help with some custom code to make that happen, but it looks like the last revision had an error that caused this looping issue.

      TL;DR – We’re working on it and I expect a fix by next week’s update.

    2. Should be fixed now!

      1. Indeed it is. Much better!

  2. That is an incredibly valid reason to stay up all night! Now he just needs to start a youtube channel and make a 3 hour video essay on the subject.

    1. Hey, no reading ahead! 😂

  3. So it was several women!

    1. All four of the horsewomen


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